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Checkout counter extensive use of


        Trolley gate is a physical security device designed to restrict or control access to the building or access area.  Optics are usually part of the revolving door access control systems, including software, card reader and controller.
  Optical Turnstile mechanical operation much like a revolving door rules, except that they rely mainly electronic (IR)  rays that can hear and control the entry or visual interface. Not completely restrained person, optical turnstile with sound  and light warning others of attempted unauthorized entry by the individual. This product can not be used for subway and the  stadium is, they apply with the set design and aesthetics are important, such as lobbies, they are perfect for high-rise  buildings with a unique path through the hall and staffed reception. Through the optical turnstile checkpoints's rate is high  and some other methods to smaller delay. They are also appropriate for persons with disabilities that they are barriers to  freedom.
  Early optical turnstile use a relay programmable logic controllers and banks to control access cards and infrared sensor  input and display of lights and audible products. The older design requires a large footprint and control is very complex.